About us.

PROMDESIGN is a full-service design company specialized in retail and mixed use projects.  With a strong presence all over Europe and the Middle East, PROMDESIGN provides Master Planning, Architecture, Interior Design, Landscaping and Graphics. Underlying its approach to the urban form, the work of PROMDESIGN has often been identified with the pursuit of a ‘system of robustness’ (i.e. solidity, stability and durability) both in terms of representational meaning and technical research. This in turn, has been implemented and tested in vast construction sites and under challenging time and budget constraints.

Our process springs from a dynamic and focused design culture that fosters collaboration above all.  This cohesive and interactive structure enables us to deal with large and complex projects both in terms of design and programme. Ranging from Shopping centres, retail parks, theme parks, community centres to cinemas, restaurants, and mixed use projects, PROMDESIGN has accomplished projects in Algeria, Angola, Austria, Bulgaria, Dubai, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, Morocco, Mozambique, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA and Vietnam, having established partnerships in many of these.

The work of PROMDESIGN has been widely published in several architectural magazines such as Archicrée, Arq./a, Arquitectura Ibérica, Architécti, Octogon and 2G and newspapers like Público, Expresso, etc.  Our work has received various international awards and has been exhibited and presented in conferences and lectures in Norway, Paris, Portugal, Qatar, Russian Federation, Sofia and Spain.